I am thinking... it's almost time to leave for a birthday party we're attending for a 3 year old.
I am thankful for... no major catastrophies while Michael is away.
From the learning rooms... phonograms 35-43, addition drills, reading a few more verses in Proverbs, "Under the Sea"
From the kitchen... tortilla pizzas and fruit for dinner
I am wearing... a long denim skirt and red and white sleeveless top.
I am creating... a packing list
I am going... to Florida in 2 weeks (I miss my family and friends)!!
I am reading... "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin (not sure if I will continue this book, seems it might get inappropriate sexually) but I could be very wrong. Then I'll start on the complete set of Jane Austen novels
I am hoping... Rachael is feeling better when she wakes from her nap.
I am hearing... boys playing.
Around the house... bathrooms need to be cleaned and everything needs dusted.
One of my favorite things... my garden. It's coming along nicely, we might even get to eat some lettuce from it next week.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... birthday party to attend today, appt. tomorrow morning, meal for MOPS friend who had a baby, physical therapy for Eli (thankfully all of these things are on different days)
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Be sure to visit the Simple Woman's Daybook for more wonderful entries.