Saturday, November 10, 2007

Completion.... well kinda

After moving into our new house just a few days shy of a month ago, I finally accomplished ONE room. The boys now have a nice room complete with all their things hung back on the walls - they're sharing a room now, too!

However, the loveseat is still covered in all of the things that need to be hung on the walls downstairs and the floor of the closet in the office still has all of the other things to be hung on the upstairs walls - ugh. It takes so long to move into a house. It doesn't help that I'm a little OCD on how things get hung. They have to be just right and no unnecessary holes - thankyouverymuch! Seriously, I get out the measuring tape, level and a pencil and mark where all my nails will go!!

Owning a home is fabulous, but moving is so daunting to me, I think mainly because I really believe I have a touch of OCD in the organization category. I need my house to feel like a home, and that to me means things must be in their place - except toys - and there must be no clutter. My brain just can't wrap around clutter and it literally makes me feel stressed. Is this strange?! Anywho, I think being a stay home mom adds a little extra urgency to the "getting-the-house-put-together" bug. I mean, I'm here A LOT.
We moved into our house on a Saturday and Michael left for 12 days on Monday.... He made sure before he left that all of the necessary-for-life things were put together/away, etc. So that left me with the monstrous task of unpacking the rest - I really didn't have to get it all done, but I physically couldn't stand living with the boxes. I felt very accomplished because he came home to a decently organized home with very few boxes left to unpack!


meredith said...

YAY! congrats on the move in--the boys' room looks great. the rest will be done soon, knowing you:)

Mrs. Preschool said...

Hi. I just came across your blog. Congrats on getting your move done! I have 2 boys too and they share a room - they love it and they are just like 2 little best friends. It's been great.